

“We need a few good little Cowboys and Cowgirls”


The Mutton Bustin’ event is a crowd favorite! Little buckaroos “cowboy or cowgirl up” and hold on to a wooly sheep for eight seconds.



 Cowboy and Cowgirls race to find their boot or shoe at the center of the arena and race back for a chance to win a prize.

 This is event is FREE and each participant will receive a trophy


 Cowboys or Cowgirls gather in a line up in the arena (either in teams or as individuals) while the calves’ with ribbons on their tails are turned out. The objective is to grab the ribbon off the calves’ tail and return it to the Arena official. Once all ribbons are removed the contest is over. The first three contestants or team that turn in ribbons will receive awards but all participants will receive a prize.

 This event is FREE and each participant will receive a prize


 This is a crowd favorite and is hilarious to watch. You will want to cheer for each contestant or team that take their frozen solid and scrunched t-shirt and try to unthaw it and put it on (wear it) without using any liquid substance or object.  The first team or individual to successfully wear their shirt will receive an award but all participants or teams will receive a prize.

 This event will be FREE (unless otherwise noted )

 We have many other kids events like (watermelon crawl, dance contest, stick pony races etc.)If interested in any of these events please contact us for additional information and rules.

Open Rice Bull Riding Company